Sunday, June 12, 2011

Thanks for Visiting

So this is it. My new blog. Wow. I'm a blogger now.  I've got some ideas regarding what I want to write about, but if you have any suggestions or questions or something you're interested in getting my opinion on, just say so.

I figure I'll probably write about my kids a lot. (Because I know you all want to know how awesome they are.) I'll share stories about the wiener-beagle, because, let's face it, you never know what she's gonna do next.  Running and the triathlon training will be a major topic, because that what keeps me sane.

I will also tell some funny stories about random stuff that happens to me.  I used to think it was so weird that, during the course of the week, so many funny things would happen. I wondered, "Why me?"  I've since discovered something. Stuff happens to people all the time. It's all in how we look at it. We can see the 'funny' in it, or we can see the frustration, embarrassment, or just plain pain-in-the-ass-ness of it. What's more fun?   For example, I fell off my bike today. We hadn't even started riding! We were, literally, sitting in the parking lot of the running store listening to the coach tell us the route.  I looked down and noticed my bike chain was off and next thing I know, I've totally tipped over!!   I mean, WTF? Who does that? Come on people. Let's learn to laugh at the simple things. Which sometimes includes ourselves.  Let's take life a little less seriously and have some fun, shall we?

I hope you come back and visit. We're going to have some fun here.


  1. Woo-hoo, welcome to the entire-netz, Keri! Make sure you add your blog to the list in the Lucky 13's group!

  2. Yay! Welcome to the blogging world! I love your outlook on life and can't wait to hear about your kids and training! :D

  3. Yay! Another blog to stalk! ;) Can't wait to read more! :)
